Danny Pettry's

St. Patrick's Day Discount

Discount has ended.

Dear friend,

I regret to say that the special discount for St. Patrick's Day has ended.

You can register for self-study CEU courses at this link:



Self-Study Course Information

  • You can print your certificate of completion immediately after completing a course or request for a certificate to be sent to you by mail.

  • Courses require reading a book or selected chapter from a book. I recommend using the public library. Go to our bookstore  if you would like to order a copy of the book. 

  • Danny is an approved provider of continuing education for RNs. Provider #: WV 2007-0520RN. The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) does not pre-approve any continuing education activities at this time. NCTRC has published a handout on ways you can earn continuing education.

Your course outline will be sent to you by email within 24-48 hours of receipt for course. 

Guaranteed to Pass Course or You Can Re-take Course and Quiz for FREE


Sincerely yours,

Danny W. Pettry II, M.Ed., M.S., N.C.C., C.T.R.S.

Danny Pettry, LLC, 1509 Walnut St. # 5, Kenova, West Virginia 25530

P.S. Don't miss out. 
